WikiHousing Barcelona, a project of specific application of the ATRI philosophy, has won along with ten other projects the call Ciutat Proactiva of BITHábitat. The team formed by Straddle3 and the collectives Societat Orgànica and La Hidra Cooperativa has been selected to develop WikiHousing Barcelona.
On November 12th, the presentation of all the winning projects of the contest took place during an event held in the framework of the Barcelona Innova Week.

The 11 winning proposals of the second edition of "The proactive city" seek to promote a fair and inclusive digital transition and improve urban sustainability, to address the climate emergency.
The presentation of the winning proposals was made in the framework of the Barcelona Innova Week and was attended by the third deputy mayor, Laia Bonet, and a participant from each of the winning projects who briefly explained the proposed solution.
The Barcelona City Council, through BITHabitat, the Urban Innovation Center of Barcelona, has announced the winning projects of the second edition of "The proactive city. Barcelona in action", a call for grants for urban innovation projects. Specifically, as a result of this second edition, a total of 11 projects that provide solutions to ensure a fair and inclusive digital transition and improve urban sustainability to address the climate emergency will be subsidized.

The eleven winning proposals of the second edition of "The proactive city. Barcelona in action" aim to promote new city models that are more resilient socially, economically, environmentally and politically.
Among the projects that include the development of demonstration or pilot activities to reliably validate the initial approaches of the project, as well as the feasibility of the estimated impacts, there are a total of eight winning projects: "WikiHousing Barcelona", "Citizen Laboratory of Urban Health", "Notable", "R-Barceloneta", "Urban Thresholds", "Aulamar", "Agroecological transition consultancy for collectivities" and "Barcelona Circular Restoration".
This year, as a novelty, the option was created to finance micro projects that prioritize the solution provided by the use of digital manufacturing technologies and the joint work with the Network of Manufacturing Athenaeums and the accompaniment and advice of the team that integrates them. Three winning micro projects were selected: "Forma - Open Platform for Product Customization", "Cibico" and "Digital manufacturing for the improvement of Benet Corner".