In the program of subject projects V and VI of the third year of the architecture course, the problem of adaptation and redensification of urban centers has been analyzed. The work of the students is intended to deal with real problems. In the course of 2016-2017 an agreement was reached with the municipality of Bermeo and work was done on the problem of depopulation that the historic center is suffering. Residential typologies were proposed in several vacant lots in this municipality. As a result of this work, a public exhibition of the works and a contest with a local jury was held.
During the 2017-2018 academic year, work was done on the implementation of the ATRI methodology to situations of opportunity in the center of Donostia. Empty lots and buildings that allow for elevations or other extensions were chosen for students to develop their projects.

The proposed exercise was at the corner of Zuloaga Square at the entrance of 31st Agost Street. The existing building on this corner was finished off with a blind partition wall. After being in this situation for many years, the partition wall was adapted and took on the role as the main façade. The exercise in this place consisted in proposing alternatives to this problem.
The image corresponds to a proposal developed by the ATRI group for this place.